At Northcliff, we are committed to working shoulder to shoulder with our stakeholders to achieve the responsible development of our projects and to contribute to the sustainable development of the communities in which we work.
Northcliff has a proactive approach to community engagement. The Company has been engaging with project stakeholders and First Nations since 2010 to provide project updates and early notification of work programs, to better understand local priorities and concerns, and to discuss potential economic opportunities that could be derived from mine development.
In 2017, Sisson Partnership entered into a Cooperation Agreement with Woodstock First Nation. The Cooperation Agreement provides Woodstock First Nation with various economic opportunities and financial benefits and provides a long term framework for communication and cooperation between the parties.
The Province of New Brunswick signed an Accommodation Agreement with the six Maliseet First Nations of the Province in 2017, providing the Maliseet First Nations with a share of provincial revenues from the Sisson Project.
Learn more about our commitment to Responsible Mineral Development
Andrew Ing holds Chartered Professional Accountant and Corporate Finance designations, as well as specialized designations in corporate governance, internal audit and the strategic management of information technology. He has more than 15 years of experience in the natural resources sector, focusing on corporate development activities with an emphasis on capital finance, business agreement negotiations and risk management. He previously held positions with professional services firms PricewaterhouseCoopers and Deloitte Touché Tohmatsu, providing advisory services to mining companies in Asia, Europe and the Americas.
Luqman Khan is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA CGA), with more than 25 years of professional experience in accountancy and business management. Mr. Khan is currently the CFO RE Royalties Ltd, a renewable energy royalty company and CFO of Electric Royalties Ltd, a royalty company established to take advantage of the demand for a wide range of commodities (lithium, vanadium, manganese, tin, graphite, cobalt, nickel, zinc and copper) that will benefit from the drive toward electrification of a variety of consumer products: cars, rechargeable batteries, large scale energy storage, renewable energy generation and other applications. He has been involved in the acquisition of over 100 royalties to date. Mr. Khan has served as CFO for several publicly listed TSX-V resource companies and previously with Ernst and Young in their assurance practice.
Trevor Thomas has practiced in the areas of corporate commercial, corporate finance, securities and mining law for more than 25 years, both in private practice as well as in-house positions. Prior to joining Northcliff and Hunter Dickinson Inc., he served as in-house legal counsel for Placer Dome Inc.
Resource & Database
Dave Gaunt, PGeo, specializes in computer-based deposit modeling and quantification, and his involvement spans projects worldwide. He brings a strong geological perspective to resource estimation and geostatistical analysis having worked in all phases of mineral exploration as well as underground and open pit mine operation.
Tanya Yang, PEng, has over 25 years experience in mining project development and engineering worldwide, including 12 years with consulting firms. She has been involved in key projects such as Pebble and Stillwater, USA; Snap Lake, Ekati, Highland Valley and Kemess North, Canada; Xietongmen, China; Jacobina expansion, Brazil; Agua Rica, Argentina; Refineria de Cajamarquilla and Quebrada Honda, Peru; and Ok Tedi, Papua New Guinea.
See bio under Management.
Barry Coughlan is a businessman and financier who has been involved in the financing of publicly traded companies for over 30 years. His principal occupation is President and Director of TBC Ventures Ltd., a private investment company. Mr. Coughlan serves on Northcliff’s Audit and Risk, the Nominating and Governance
and the Compensation Committees and is the Chairman of the Compensation Committee.
Scott Cousens is a businessman previously focused on the development of relationships within the international investment community for 25 years as the Director of Capital Finance for Hunter Dickinson Inc. Mr. Cousens serves on Northcliff’s Audit and Risk, the Nominating and Governance and the Compensation Committees and is the Chairman of the Nominating and Governance Committee.​
Peter Mitchell is a Chartered Professional Accountant who over the past decade has been extensively involved in leading and managing growth in private equity portfolio companies through acquisitions, integrations and greenfield initiatives as well as all related financing activities. Mr. Mitchell serves on Northcliff’s Audit and Risk, the Nominating and Governance and the Compensation Committees and is the Chairman of the Audit and Risk Committee.
Michael Wolley holds a first class honors degree in Chemical and Materials Engineering from the University of Auckland and a Masters of Management from the Macquarie Graduate School of Management. He spent 15 years with Mobil Oil Australia in a range of roles including engineering, operations, strategic planning and business development in Australasia. Michael has held senior executive roles in the manufacturing and resources sectors including a period as President of BlueScope Steel China and as Chief Operating Officer of Lynas Corporation, an ASX 100 business. He joined Todd Corporation in 2011 and served as Vice President Minerals until 2022. He is a director of an ASX listed iron ore development business, Red Hawk Mining Ltd, and a director of a consulting business, Omaha Holdings Ltd.